Monday, December 22, 2008

Light on

never really said to much
afraid it wouldt be enough
just try to keep my spirits up
when theres no point in grieving
doesnt matter anyway
words could never make me stay
words will never take my place
when u know i’m leaving
try to leave a light on when i’m gone
sumthing i rely on to get home
i can feel at night a naked light
a fire to keep me warm
try to leave a light on when i’m gone
even in the daylight shine on
and when its late at night
u can look inside
u wont feel so alone
u know we been down that road
what seems a thousand times before
my back to a closing door
and my eyes to the seasons
that roll out underneath my heels
and u dont know how bad it feels
to leave the only one that
i have ever believed in
sumtimes it feels like we run out of luck
when the signal keeps on breaking up
when the wires cross in my brain
u will start my heart again
when u come along...